Fee statements mailed; dues
are due Feb. 1
Fee statements were mailed to active and inactive
California lawyers last month and bar dues must be paid by Feb. 1.
Dues for most active attorneys for 2002 are $390 and for inactive
attorneys, $50. Fee scaling also is available for those who earn less
than $40,000 a year from the practice of law. Those earning under
$25,000 may receive a 50 percent reduction in their dues, and those
earning less than $40,000 may have the amount reduced by 25 percent.
The fee statement also includes check-off boxes
for donations to the Foundation of the State Bar and the Conference of
Delegates. The foundation, which collected more than $650,000 from
members who donated through the fee bill last year, is once again
seeking donations of $50. The conference, which is now self-funded, is
asking for a $10 donation from members. It collected nearly $150,000
last year from members contributing through the fee statement.
The fee statement also is available online this
year. Members needing a duplicate bill may print out their
personalized statement at www.calbar.org.
Members who do not pay their dues before March 15
are subject to a 10 percent penalty; after May 15, an additional 15
percent penalty is assessed.
Questions about the bill may be directed to
membership services at 415/538-2360.
Applicants sought for Judicial
Council, ABA House
The State Bar is seeking applicants for two
positions on the Judicial Council and for six appointments to the ABA
House of Delegates.
The Judicial Council appointments begin Sept. 15,
2002, and expire Sept. 14, 2005. Meetings are held six to seven times
a year; the annual time commitment is about 300 hours for meetings and
assignments. Members are reimbursed for travel. In making the
appointments, the bar board of governors will consider the
applicants' demonstrated leadership skills and ability to
effectively represent the lawyer perspective on the council.
The ABA delegates each serve a two-year term,
from Aug. 14, 2002, to Aug. 11, 2004. They are expected to attend two
meetings a year as well as participate in conference calls. They are
required to pay their own travel expenses. The board will consider
each applicant's participation in ABA activities, working knowledge
of the House of Delegates and understanding of current issues.
Deadline for applications for both groups is Feb.
Applications must be submitted to the State
Bar's Appointments Office, 180 Howard St., San Francisco 94105-1639,
or by fax, 415/538-2255. Further information is available by calling
MCLE deadline for Group 3 (last
names N-Z) is Feb. 1
Attorneys who are members of MCLE Compliance
Group 3 (last names beginning N-Z) must complete 25 hours of
continuing education by the compliance deadline of Feb. 1. Those who
did not complete the previously required 36 hours by Feb. 1, 1999,
have until Feb. 1, 2002, to complete a total of 61 hours.
A late fee of $75 will be assessed March 15 for
those who have not complied.
Compliance cards were mailed to members of Group
3 Dec. 28.
Questions about MCLE compliance may be directed
to 415/538-2100.
Volunteers needed for 200 State
Bar committees
The State Bar is recruiting applicants for
approximately 200 positions on more than three dozen committees,
boards and commissions. Groups with open positions range from
committees dealing with access and fairness issues, to executive
committees focused on particular areas of the law, to a committee
addressing questions of professional responsibility and conduct, to
the Committee of Bar Examiners.
Most of the appointments carry a three-year term,
and the application deadline for most is Feb. 1.
Among the committees seeking applicants are:
n The Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation
(JNE), which investigates and evaluates judicial candidates for the
governor. Applications for JNE are due Jan. 22.
n Five access and fairness committees, including
ethnic minority relations, legal professionals with disabilities,
senior lawyers, sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination,
and women in the law.
n The standing Committee on Professional
Liability Insurance (COPLI) and the Committee on Group Insurance
Programs (COGIP), which act as counsel to the board of governors on
insurance matters and oversee the bar's member group insurance
programs, including life, AD&D, disability, long term care,
workers' compensation, business office package and professional
Applicants can apply to a maximum of three
committees but can only be appointed to one. The State Bar Board of
Governors will make the appointments in August, and committee terms
begin in mid-October.
For an application or more information, visit the
State Bar's website at www.calbar.org.
Or, request an application from the bar's appointments office by
phone 415/538-2299, fax 415/538- 2255 or e-mail (karen.hagelund@calsb.org).
Standards for private
arbitrators considered
Under legislation which takes effect July 1,
neutral arbitrators in private, contractual arbitrations must comply
with ethics standards adopted by the Judicial Council of California.
The standards are to be consistent with the standards that apply to
arbitrators in the judicial arbitration program and must address the
disclosure of interests, relationships or affiliations that may
constitute conflicts of interest, including prior service as an
arbitrator or other dispute resolution neutral entity,
disqualifications, acceptance of gifts and establishment of future
professional relationships.
The Judicial Council's staff is preparing draft
standards, with the assistance of an 18-member panel appointed by
Chief Justice Ronald M. George. The proposed standards are scheduled
to be distributed for public comment later this month and will be
available for review on the Judicial Council website at www.courtinfo.ca.gov/invitationstocomment/.
Public forums on the standards also will be held
on Feb. 7 in Los Angeles at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel at LAX, 6101
West Century Blvd., and on Feb. 8 at the Judicial Council Conference
Center, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Third Floor, in San Francisco. The
Judicial Council is expected to consider the proposed standards and
public comment in April. To reserve a time to speak at either public
forum, contact Tracy Tognetti, 415/865-7964; e-mail: tracy.tognetti@jud.ca.gov.
For further information, contact Heather
Anderson, Administrative Office of the Courts, Office of the General
Counsel, 415/865-7691; e-mail: heather.anderson@jud.ca.gov.
'A Week in Legal London'
scheduled for June 23-28
The State Bar's Litigation Section is
sponsoring "A Week in Legal London" from June 23-28. The London
program offers an extraordinary opportunity to experience the inner
workings of the English legal system, expand litigation skills and
engage in thought-provoking discussion with members of the London
legal community.
Participants will attend sessions at the Royal
Courts of Justice, the Old Bailey, the High Court of Justice and the
Courts of Appeal. MCLE credit will be offered.
For additional information, contact the
Litigation Section at 415/538-2546.
Fee arbitrators needed
The State Bar seeks fee arbitrators for its
mandatory fee arbitration program. Voluntary arbitrators serve for a
minimum term of two years. Attorney applicants must be active members
in good standing of the State Bar of California for a minimum of five
Criminal lawyers are encouraged to apply.
The application may be downloaded from the State
Bar's website, www.calbar.org.
For more information, call 415/538-2020. |